Delta-8-vs Delta-10

Delta-8 vs Delta-9 vs Delta-10: What’s the Difference?

by | May 9, 2022

Delta this, delta that. If you feel like there are seemingly endless THC variants, you’re not the only one. One of the greatest things about the passing of the 2018 Farm Bill is that we’ve been able to discover new cannabinoids and create incredible products for people to enjoy. A couple of those cannabinoids are from the THC family and are aptly named Delta-8 THC and Delta-10 THC. So, how do they differ from Delta-9? When comparing Delta-8 vs Delta-10, what are the biggest differences?

Delta-8, Delta-9, and Delta-10 Overview

We’ve referred to the compound in weed that gets you high as THC for decades. Only as medical and recreational weed opened up did we really start to examine cannabinoids a bit more scientifically as a general audience. It turns out, THC is actually short for Delta-9 THC. This primary cannabinoid makes up a hefty portion of marijuana, though it’s found in smaller amounts in hemp.

The hemp plant is rich in CBD as opposed to THC, and as it turns out, CBD is incredibly versatile. From this non-psychoactive cannabinoid comes a plethora of new ones, including Delta-8 and Delta-10 THC. 

What is Delta-9 THC? This is the primary cannabinoid in hemp and marijuana that gets you high. It’s more prevalent in marijuana, although it does have a minor presence in hemp. Delta-9 is a psychoactive compound, and when taken in large amounts can produce intensely intoxicating effects that can reach psychedelic heights. 

What is Delta-8 THC? We’re glad you asked because we adore this mood-boosting hemp-derived cannabinoid. It’s made by synthesizing CBD, although the effects are more closely associated with Delta-9 THC. The process involves a unique isomerization process and must be performed in a lab. 

What is Delta-10 THC? You won’t be surprised to hear that Delta-10 is also made from CBD, though the changes in molecular structure provide different effects than Delta-8. Nevertheless, it’s made much like Delta-8, though it requires chemicals and additives. 

Delta 8 vs Delta-9 vs Delta 10: The Key Differences

Deltas 8, 9, and 10 are very similar yet also unique. From the way they look under a microscope, to how they interact with our bodies, these cannabinoids are quite different. So despite Deltas 8 and 10 having a similar origin story, the Delta 8 vs Delta 10 debate shows key differences. 

Chemical Compound Structure

A carbon chain is a bunch of atoms joined in a row. When comparing Delta-8 vs Delta-10 you have to look at the carbon chain. Delta-8 has a double bond on the 8th carbon chain, and Delta-10 has a double bond on the 10th carbon chain.

Certainly you will deduce that Delta-9 has a double bond on the 9th carbon chain. While these differences may seem insignificant, that slight difference in molecular structure is just enough of a variable to produce different physiological and psychological effects. 

The Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is found throughout the entire human body. It is a network, or system of receptors that bridge the gap between the body and the mind. The ECS works to regulate important bodily functions like sleep, mood, appetite, digestion, skin health, pain, and so much more. It’s a truly remarkable system and our body naturally makes endocannabinoids to help maintain homeostasis. 

However, we can’t always produce the correct amount, and sometimes we can benefit from additional cannabinoids. This is where cannabis comes in. The cannabinoids we always talk about are actually called phytocannabinoids, and they can work with the ECS alongside its own natural endocannabinoids. 

The ECS receptors are divided into two categories: CB1 and CB2. The CB1 receptors are mostly found throughout the brain and nervous system. The CB2 receptors are found throughout the body and primarily affect the body’s tissues and organs while influencing the immune system. Cannabinoids tend to have an affinity for one or the other. This makes sense when you compare THC and CBD. THC affects the mind and the body in very noticeable ways. This is because it locks into the CB1 receptor, affecting the brain and nervous system. 

CBD bonds more closely with the CB2 receptors, hence its ability to promote deeper sleep and manage pain. Delta-8, Delta-9 and Delta-10 interact with the CB1 receptors, though Delta-10 tends to bind to it much less. 

The Cannabinoids Effects

Although there is limited scientific evidence for the specific effects of Delta-8 vs Delta-10, there is plenty of anecdotal evidence. Many people like to compare Delta-8 to an indica. It offers a high, but is commonly referred to as “weed lite” for its milder effects. You will still get high when you smoke it, but compared to Delta-9 THC, you would need much more Delta-8 to achieve the same results. 

Delta-9 THC is the most potent cannabinoid. It offers a range of effects that are medicinal, therapeutic, and recreational. Depending on the strain, users might experience strong cerebral, energizing effects. Alternatively, they might experience strong sedation and full-body highs that promote deep relaxation. 

Delta-8 offers a mellow buzz that gravitates toward light sedation, pain relief, and possibly deeper sleep. It’s an excellent choice for those that want to gain the benefits of THC but are uncomfortable with the intensity of the psychoactive effects.

If Delta-8 is like an indica, then Delta-10 is the sativa. Users report that it feels much more like an uplifting head high, with increased mental clarity and bursts of energy as the top-selling points. It’s cerebral and creative, and a perfect daytime option. 

If you like the mental, psychoactive effects of Delta-9 but would like to enjoy more than just a hit or two, then Delta-8 is an excellent choice. For newcomers to cannabis, Delta-10 is the perfect place to start experimenting. Both offer a pleasant stoned feeling with joyful feelings of euphoria. In terms of potency, Delta-9 has the strongest effects, followed by Delta-8, and finally Delta-10.


When looking at legality, source of origin is the most important factor to consider. Does the type of THC come from hemp, or marijuana? Any Delta variety from marijuana is regulated state by state. For states with medical or recreational marijuana programs, Delta-9 is the most common variant, and it may only be produced and sold by licensed marijuana businesses. 

The 2018 Farm Bill legalized the production and distribution of hemp and products made with hemp. The only catch was that the final product must contain less than 0.3% Delta-9 THC. Nowhere in the Farm Bill were any other Delta variants mentioned. Because many Delta-8 and Delta-10 THC products are made from hemp-derived CBD, they are legally protected under the Farm Bill.

However, there are still some states that have varying rules. For example, you can buy Delta-8 and Delta-10 products, but you cannot sell them. Or, you can use them, but you can’t buy them. It’s all a bit silly, but it’s important to know the laws where you live. Currently, we cannot ship to:

  • Alaska
  • Arizona
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Delaware
  • Idaho
  • Iowa
  • Kentucky
  • Louisiana
  • Mississippi
  • Montana
  • New York
  • Nevada
  • North Dakota
  • Rhode Island
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Washington

Keep in mind that both Delta-8 and Delta-10 can cause you to fail a drug test. If you have any reason to believe that you might have to take a test anytime soon, avoid all cannabis products. 

Shopping for Delta-8, Delta-9, and Delta-10

Delta-9 THC is sold as raw flower, or vapes, dabs, edibles, tinctures, and just about any other product you can imagine. However, you can only purchase Delta-9 THC products from a dispensary in regulated states. Anything purchased outside of these channels is considered black market. 

DIMO offers a large variety of hemp-derived Delta-8 and Delta-10 products. Check out our full lineup of Delta-8 products, including gummies, vape pens, and pre-rolls. Our Delta-10 vape pens and disposable cartridges are the perfect way to enjoy a wake and bake or take out on your next adventure. Try both and decide for yourself which cannabinoid reigns supreme in the great debate that is Delta-10 vs Delta-8. 

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This product is in compliance with section 10113 of the 2018 farm bill and contains <0.3% Delta 9 THC.

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